Thursday, August 28, 2014

My First Post!

Well, here goes nothing! This is my first blog post...ever. I am very excited to start blogging for my Social Media class this semester. 

So, let me introduce myself! My name is Kelly, I'm a senior marketing major with a design minor, I’m from Cincinnati and I attend Ohio Northern University. I'm involved with a lot of different things on campus. I have a job in the Art and Music Departments, am involved with the Wind Orchestra and Symphony Orchestra- and am vice president of service of Tau Beta Sigma, the honorary band sorority here on campus. So, between the business, art, and music Departments, I stay very busy.

This summer I had an internship at the Western & Southern Open tennis tournament in Cincinnati, Ohio. Ever since I volunteered there last year, I have become a big (actually HUGE) tennis fan. And if any of you readers follow tennis, you know that this week was the start of a very important tournament: the U.S. Open.

This tournament is held in New York and is one of the four Grand Slam tennis tournaments, also known as a pretty big deal. Fortunately, the U.S. Open matches are streamed online from their website, so even though I’m not in New York, I get to watch them! The U.S. Open mobile app is a great tool because I get to pick my favorite players, and it sends me notifications when they are playing and the scores of each match. I especially love to look at the notifications when I get out of class, then I can stay up to date on who’s still in the tournament.

Tonight at 7:00 p.m. my favorite player, Andy Murray, has a match against Matthias Bachinger. You know where I’ll be tonight: curled up on my bed with my laptop hoping no one in my house uses a lot of Wi-Fi so the match can stream with no problems.

I’m sure I’ll be blogging about tennis more, but until then comment below on what has been keeping you busy this first week of classes or if you have watched any of the U.S. Open matches!

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